Happiness: (n.) A seemingly simple concept.
Well, isn't it? We all want it. Everything we do, or try to do, is an effort to make us and our families happy in one way or the other.

We've all found ourselves being extra quiet, so our Kindergarten teacher could pick us first to choose the best chocolate from the plethora of candies. After we have finished running after our Driver's License, we've found ourselves drooling after the shimmering, sparkly, sports car. Right after we've finished running after a college degree, we've found ourselves running after that job that can possibly get us a better one. Why? Because it would make us happy./? (Choose your pick.)
We run our lives, for the most part. I think we can agree, that in America, we've been given the freedom to make whatever we want of our lives, to mold our ways of happiness, and to make our own choices about what we want to do in life. Yet, are we still 100% happy?
Granted, your answer might be yes. If that is the case, Kudos to you, my friend. My humble request to you is to please tell me who you are, and what you are doing in life. For those who are still trying to unravel this secret, I am in the same boat as you.
Allow me to introduce myself: I'm naïve years old. I hold a compass with four needles pointing to all four directions: "Wise", "Moral", "Fun" and "Faith". I'm trying to figure things out in life, but it's hard to know where to go with all four directions pulling me to it with equal intensity, making me everything but 100% happy. I'm trying to get these golden needles to turn 180° and point to the center that reads, "My Happiness." I may or may not be able to do this in my lifetime, but the most effective way for me learn to do that is to look at how others are trying to achieve their pursuit of happiness. I like looking at people's Psychology of Happiness: What are other people's idea of happiness? How do they make Happiness work for them? How are they working towards it or completely failing at it?
So, my friends, stay tuned in this potentially bumpy journey of finding and analyzing happiness. You just might unravel a secret you never knew.
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